We finally get to head to Korea to pick up Asher MinOh! I'm not a great blog writer but I will post lots of pictures to make up for that! lol! First post will probably be Seoul time 3am Tuesday morning when I can't sleep! I have a huge list of things I want to see this time around (and yes, k-drama shooting locations are among them!) and don't think I'll be able to fit it all in. Which just means I'll have to return to Korea in a couple of years to finish my list! I love Korea and am so excited for Micah to experience it, too! We're excited to be able to meet Micah's foster mom again and to meet the family of a friend of ours who is from Korea! I have a feeling this is going to be a great trip : )
Wow! What amazing news, I loved following your first jounney as we waited for our son, go get that sweet brother!
I can't wait to follow your journey! I am so thrilled for you!!!!! Keep an eye out for Yeong Jin while you're there! (I'm guessing he'll be in either Friday the 15th or Monday the 18th for his 11 month appointment)
Thanks again for delivering the care package for us! I truly appreciate it!!!
I can't wait to see pictures and to read about everything you are experiencing!
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