Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where have we been??!!!??

Here's some updates of my little manatee! Sorry it's been so long!

Micah the musical bohemian! He loves this hat! He's growing out of it so I'm going to have to befriend someone who knits/crochets to make him a new one!

Daddy and Micah on their guitars! He loves playing music with Daddy! Daddy can't wait until Micah can join the band! He's the next generation for the Missing Links (Daddy's band)!

Chilling out with Apache! I can't believe Apache let him lie on her! They play a little, but mostly she ignores Micah!

Some of the buds from playgroup at Monkey Joe's! Micah had a lot of fun! We missed getting pics of Sofia and Dane though, two more cuties in playgroup.

I'm going to try to update more often from now on! We did go to Disney World just a couple of weeks ago and had a great time! Micah loved it and Mickey Mouse! I'll get the pics on the blog soon! (forgot the digital camera-oops- so now I have to scan in the pics we took on a disposable).


The Pickle Family said...

Glad to see the new pictures!

grandmarockton said...

WOW ! Glad to see more of what you guy's are up to. Remember this grandma is watching the kids grow! Nice to see you at MONKEY JOE's!! It was fun watching the kids.

Steve and Mellissa said...

We had so much fun... Can't wait to get together again....

Erin said...

I've been wondering where you have been! Thanks for the updates!