Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Visiting Mickey Mouse!

Being the Disney fans that we are, Jeramy and I couldn't wait to take Micah to DisneyWorld! Now some called us crazy taking an almost 2 year old, but we had the absolute best time!

First task was playing "Where's Micah?" My little manatee looks even littler next to the huge guitar. He loved it though, of course. The kid turns anything into a guitar-brooms, bats, etc. He loves real guitars even more!

We didn't think we were going to do the whole character thing because of disasterous Easter Bunny and Santa visits last year but he loved them! Pooh and Tigger had a short line so we thought, "Why not see how he reacts?". I think seeing the other kids hugging and kissing them made him realize that they weren't scary! Besides Pooh and Tigger, Micah met Chip and Dale, Pluto, Donald Duck, and, of course, the Big Cheese and his special gal! Those pics are a little farther down.

Micah loved most of the rides we took him on. He wasn't a fan of Snow White's Scary Adventure though. I had forgotten how scary it was! Oops on Mommy! He also didn't like the carousal. He forgave us though and kept saying, "More, more" and making the sign for more, too, when we got done with the rides he liked! So cute!

Daddy and Micah getting ready to ride Pooh's ride.

Mommy and Micah on the teacups and AstroOrbiter.

And the best thing I think about the whole trip was Micah getting to meet Mickey Mouse! While we were waiting he kept saying, "Mick Mow, Mick Mow!" and pointing. When it was his turn he walked right up to Mickey and gave him a hug! And then he kissed Minnie on her nose! (I know, gross germs, but it was stickin' cute!)

A beautiful way to end our day at the Magic Kingdom! This was Micah's first time watching fireworks. He loved them and kept saying and signing "More, more!" Luckily it was a long show! He loved the parades, too!

We had a fabulous time and already want to go back even though we've only been back a month! There's something so magical about Disney!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday (almost) Manatee!

We had Micah's birthday party this weekend. My little baby Manatee is almost 2! I can't believe it! I was very proud of the job I did on his Elmo cake! He even looks fuzzy!

Micah seemed to like Elmo, too! We had lots of good Korean food and good company!

Micah received lots of great presents and signed and said "Thank you" to everyone!

Then all the boys went outside to play! This is Micah's new trike courtesy of his aunts, uncles, and cousins. Thanks to Uncle Bryan for putting it together! Daddy was happy about that especially! Look how strong cousin Danny is!

And then today, I discovered this picture on my camera! It was taken at the party apparently. So new rule, if you take a picture of your rear (or the side of it anyway) it gets posted on the blog! Be warned! Sorry, Steph, I have to make an example out of you! ; )
It was a wonderful day though! We are so blessed by our son and by the wonderful family we have!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Where have we been??!!!??

Here's some updates of my little manatee! Sorry it's been so long!

Micah the musical bohemian! He loves this hat! He's growing out of it so I'm going to have to befriend someone who knits/crochets to make him a new one!

Daddy and Micah on their guitars! He loves playing music with Daddy! Daddy can't wait until Micah can join the band! He's the next generation for the Missing Links (Daddy's band)!

Chilling out with Apache! I can't believe Apache let him lie on her! They play a little, but mostly she ignores Micah!

Some of the buds from playgroup at Monkey Joe's! Micah had a lot of fun! We missed getting pics of Sofia and Dane though, two more cuties in playgroup.

I'm going to try to update more often from now on! We did go to Disney World just a couple of weeks ago and had a great time! Micah loved it and Mickey Mouse! I'll get the pics on the blog soon! (forgot the digital camera-oops- so now I have to scan in the pics we took on a disposable).