Our little manatee is definitely a water baby! He didn't care if it was the ocean or the pool, he just wanted to be in the water! BTW-highly recommend the floatie he's wearing! He loves it, it gives him freedom to move around without dumping him on his face like some life vests do.

Out in the Caribbean with Daddy!

No fear! Gulp...
And the main event in Jamaica- my little sister got married! Awww... I'm very proud of this picture! Congratulations to them!

Now, come on, how cute is he? He looks so grown-up! Sniff...

And a great family shot with Nana M.
We had a fun time in Jamaica. On a side note, when we told Micah we were going on a plane he said, "Mick Mow!" We had to tell him no Mickey Mouse this time. He handled it well : )
LOVE your haircut! Looks like everyone had a great time. Micah does look like a little man. How in the world did that happen?
Tell you sister congrats from me! Your mom looks great. So glad we FINALLY got an update! :)
Erica, The pictures are beautiful. It makes me want to go to Jamaica!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the update! Great pictures, it looks beautiful. You guys are a beautiful family. Glad you are back, looking forward to seeing you all soon.
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